The project

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The project

The proposed Darlington Wind Farm project boundary is located approximately 3.2km south west of Darlington and 6.3km north east of Mortlake along the Hamilton Highway, within the Shire of Moyne.

The proposed project site covers an area of approximately 5,645 hectares, where the current land use is primarily agricultural activities including grazing of sheep and cattle.

The Project


In 2007, an initial Environment Effect Statement (EES) referral was submitted to Minister for Planning. This was for a maximum 150 turbine wind farm. In 2008, the Minister for Planning issued the decision that no EES is required subject to the condition for additional Brolga surveys prior to proceeding to the planning process. GPG Australia has engaged with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) regarding the validity of the decision and due to change in the overall design and turbine size DELWP suggested a new EES referral may be required.


The Darlington wind farm project has evolved since 2007 following the advent of new technology and growth in the renewables sector. The project now seeks to encompass a maximum 45 turbines (less than half that initially proposed), using the newest and most efficient wind turbine technology, while minimising the turbine density on the ground.

The project boundary has also been adjusted to exclude the area closest to Lake Barnie Bolac and associated brolga flocking ‘no go’ zone proposed by DELWP. It is the intention of GPG Australia that the Darlington wind farm be assessed against DELWP’s new brolga Assessment and Mitigation Standards which are understood to be expected for release in 2022.

Current status

  • A connection enquiry was lodged with AEMO in November 2020.
  • A new meteorological mast was installed last year Dec 2021.
  • EES Referral was submitted in September 2022 and the decision was made on 31st January 2023
  • Commencement of a complex assessment for the Cultural Heritage Management Plan has started.
  • Broader Community Consultation regarding Brolga was undertaken in February 2024.
  • GPG Australia organized an Open Information Day for the community at Mortlake on Tuesday 23rd July 2024.
  • The Draft Scoping Requirements for the EES were exhibited from 27 June to 19 July 2024. Please visit


The project covers an area of approximately 5,645 ha, where the current land use is primarily agricultural activities including grazing of sheep and cattle.

3D simulation

GPG will develop a 3D simulation video of the wind farm


Community engagement and benefit sharing

GPG strives to become a long-term neighbor and partner to communities in the vicinity of our projects. A Community Engagement and Benefit Sharing Plan will be associated with the project to deliver positive social outcomes to the local community. This plan will sponsor initiatives during the Construction and Operation phases of the project that will deliver benefits to the community.

Local economic development

As part of the commitments associated with the Darlington wind farm, the project will contribute to the local economic development during construction and operation phase by:

  • creating new job opportunities and retaining existing jobs;
  • giving priority, when possible, to local content by using local contractors, suppliers and manufacturers for the provision of a large share of the goods, equipment and services necessary for the project;

Relevant Documentation


All the documentation associated in the planning permits will be available in later stage here to be consulted.


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Detailed information about the Community Engagement and Benefit Sharing Plan associated to the project during the Construction and Operation phases can be found here


Find answers to your frequently asked questions about permitting, noise, shadow flicker, local employment and other questions here.